HeroesCon 2019

Part 1 - DTC 164: Three days, dozens of panels, and lots of decisions
Part 2 - DTC 165: what I bought, people I talked to, and the panels I went to on the first day of the convention
Part 3 - DTC 166: what I bought, people I talked to, and the panels I went to on the second day of the convention
Part 4 - DTC 167: what I bought, people I talked to, and the panels I went to on the third day of the convention
HeroesCon 2017

Part 1 - DTC 136: the drive to Charlotte, what I ate, where I stopped along the way and what I am looking forward to including commissions I will be picking up and panels I want to go to
Part 2 - DTC 137: what I bought, people I talked to, and the panels I went to on the first day of the convention
Part 3 - DTC 138: what I bought, people I talked to, and the panels I went to on the second of the convention
Part 4 - DTC 138: what I bought and people I talked to on the third day of the convention, and then the drive home from Charlotte
Michael Golden Panel - Writer and artist Michael Golden discusses his career in comics with moderator Eric-Nolen Weathington including his work on Micronauts, The 'Nam, Avengers Annual 10, and his time as art director at DC Comics
Comic Book Storytelling - Jim Shooter, comic book writer and editor-in-chief (Marvel Comics, 1978-1987). takes questions from the audience and uses the Human Torch story from Strange Tales 114 (Nov 1963) by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee to demonstrate how comic book stories should be told
Villains in Popculture - Panelists Dr. Craig Pohlman, Dr. Megan Connell, Dr. Frank Gaskill, and Prof. Michael Critzer talk with moderator Dave Verhaagen, Ph.D. and take questions from the audience about their favorite villains, the different kinds of villains, and what makes villains appealing
Eisner and Kirby at 100 [Mega Panel] - A 4-part panel that focuses on first on Will Eisner (Parts 1, 2) and then on Jack Kirby (Part 3, 4). Topics include their impact on and interactions with other creators (Parts 1, 3) and a detailed look at some of their comics (Part 2, 4).
HeroesCon 2016

Part 1 - DTC 113: the road trip from DC to Charlotte; where I stopped, what I ate, what past podcasts I listened to, etc.
Part 2 - DTC 114: what I bought, people I met, and panels I went to on the first day of the convention
Part 3 - DTC 115: picking up commissions, people I met, going to panels, and even more back issue bin diving on the second day of the convention
Part 4 - DTC 116: more back issue bin diving, a pair of crime themed panels, and the long drive home from the convention
Ren and Stimpy Panel: Bob Camp (co-creator of Ren and Stimpy) talks with moderator Joe Rauch and answers questions from the audience about working on the cartoon and his work on animation in general
Comic Reprints Panel: Craig Yoe, Tom Heintjes, Michael Eury, Craig Fischer, and moderator Andy Mansell discuss how and why comic strips and comic books do (and don't) get reprinted in book form, Best of... vs complete chronological collections, and the value of extra materials in collected editions.
Spotlight on Steranko: Jim Steranko talks with author J. David Spurlock and tells stories about his life in and outside of comics.
Romance Comics Panel: Panelists Michelle Nolan, June Brigman, Jacque Nodell, Megan Levens, and moderator Craig Yoe discuss the history and some of the trends and tropes found in romance comics since they were first published in the late 1940s, as well as some of the artists and writers who worked on romance comics.
Creatures Imagined and Real Mega Panel: Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon talk to comic book scholar Craig Fischer about their work on BPRD, then Ben Towle talks about the history of funny animal comics which he researched while preparing to do his own funny animal comic, In the Weeds, and then finally Bud Root, William Stout, and Dustin Harbin talk Jennie Law to about drawing dinosaurs.
Crime Panel: Panelists Ibrahim Moustafa, Justin Greenwood, Christopher Sebela, John Lees, and Rich Tommaso talk to moderator Joe Rauch about what they like to include in the comics they create and see in the comics they read.
HeroesCon 2015

Part 1 - DTC 77: Heroes Con Road Trip - DC to Charlotte
Part 2 - DTC 78: what I bought, people I met, and panels I went to on the first day of the convention
Part 3 - DTC 79: picking up commissions, people I met, and panels I went to on the second day of the convention
Part 4 - DTC 80: back issue bin diving, a color themed panel, talking to other podcasters, con fatigue, and my first attempt to drive home
Part 5 - DTC 81: driving home from North Carolina, book reports, what I ate, what I listened to
Michel Fiffe - http://michelfiffe.com/

Andy Suriano - http://www.andyupdates.blogspot.com/

Robert Wilson - http://robertwilsoniv.com/

Adam Withers and Comfort Love - http://comfortandadam.com/

Bee Sting: The Movie - https://www.facebook.com/beestingthemovie
Dry County by Rich Tommaso
- http://studygroupcomics.com/main/dry-county-by-rich-tommaso/

Chris Schweizer - http://croganadventures.blogspot.com/

Joey Weiser - http://tragic-planet.com/

Stephanie Gladden - http://stephaniegladden.com/

Marcus Currie - http://www.soulbullet.com/

Scott Fogg and Marc Thomas - http://phileasreid.tumblr.com/

Mike Maihack - http://cowshell.com/

Craig Rousseau - http://www.craigrousseau.com/

Janson and Fiffe in Conversation Klaus Janson and Michel Fiffe talk with one another and answer questions from moderator Greg Matiasevich and the audience about their work and their careers [1:03:41] - Download MP3 |
Horror Panel Joe Rauch talks Horror Comics with Tyler Crook, Cullen Bunn, Francesco Francavilla, and James Harren [1:03:39] - Download MP3 |
Color Influences Panel Nolan Woodard, Laura Martin, Dave McCaig, and Brian Reber discuss how some of their favorite color storytelling moments in movies have inspired their work in comics [1:03:39] - Download MP3 |
HeroesCon 2014
Craig Rousseau - http://www.craigrousseau.com/

Patrick Dean - http://patrickdeancomics.blogspot.com/

Ramona Fradon - http://www.catskillcomics.com/Fradon.htm

Robert Wilson - http://robertwilsoniv.com/

Episode 32: HeroesCon 2014 Comics Journalism Roundtable
Episode 31: HeroesCon 2014 Twomorrows 20th Anniversary Panel
Episode 30: HeroesCon 2014 Conan Panel
Episode 29: HeroesCon 2014 Day 3
Episode 28: HeroesCon 2014 Day 2
Episode 27: HeroesCon 2014 Day 1
Episode 26: HeroesCon 2014 Day 0
HeroesCon 2012
Here is a link to my post about HeroesCon 2012 on my old blog: HeroesCon 2012
HeroesCon 2011
Here are some links to my posts abou HeroesCon 2011 on my old blog:
Summary: Part 1
Books I Bought: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Art I Bought: Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Web Comics: Part 10
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